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What We Do

Critical Needs Program

Serving Quietly * Supporting Quietly * Helping Quietly

The Critical Needs Program Supports...

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Vires acquirit eundo!
“We gather strength as we go.”

The Critical Needs Program is organized by the Fargo Public Schools Foundation to ensure that each and every student who needs help with basic needs receives support. Its purpose is to serve quietly, support quietly and help quietly and enables school staff to respond quickly to students they see in need and to students who ask for help. You can help students and staff by supporting the Critical Needs Program. 

Thanks to community support the Critical Needs Program provided school personnel with the ability to assist with school supplies, emergency cupboard situations, hygiene supplies, and other items to support the emotional, physical, and educational well-being of our students and help alleviate some economic stress. 

  • “Being able to buy snacks for students because without it some of them just cannot learn. It takes their thoughts away from not having food or a snack so they can focus on their learning” ~Elementary School Principal
  • “When students are in need of school supplies, hygiene products, clothing, shoes, etc., we are able to almost immediately meet that need. Because of Liz’s Closet and Critical Needs funding, we can discreetly provide these resources and help to minimize the embarrassment a student may feel when they do not have what they need to feel successful.” ~Middle School Counselor
  • “We had a new student join us in mid-school year. He didn’t have any school supplies and through the Critical Needs program we were able to get him a backpack full of school supplies. Having these supplies on hand was great as it provided us more resources to support this student in his education and our commitment to help all students feel welcomed and supported.” ~High School Principal

The Fargo Public Schools Foundation is grateful for your support of the students, families, and school personnel by supporting the Critical Needs Program!

Donate Here 

2022.23 Impacts...Thank You!

  • 21 Innovative Ed, Literacy & Music Grants

    Totaling $50,119

  • 135 Scholarships Funded

    Totaling $132,598

  • 3,500+ Students Receiving Critical Needs Help

    Totaling $162,512

  • Special Projects & Donor Designated Funds

    Funds Raised $157,195

Thank you to our Adopt-A-School Partners!

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