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How To Help

Endowment & Annual Giving

The Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation administers several endowed and annual funds. These funds are made available through donations, and investment income from endowments established by people just like you who wish to honor a loved one or wish to recognize someone who has made a difference in their lives. These established endowments are not just for a year, a decade, or a generation, but continue in perpetuity.

What is an Endowment Fund?

Created primarily from donations, endowment funds are monies typically held in long-term investments with the principal remaining untouched, allowing the funds to have greater impact over time. The money may be permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, or unrestricted in its use.

Why is an Endowment Fund Important?

The dollars held in endowment funds generates interest and dividend income that may be used to support scholarships, grants, critical needs for students, and other special initiatives by providing a permanent ongoing source of revenue.

How Can I Help?

 A named endowment or annual fund provides an ideal way to make a gift in memory of a family member or loved one, a special event, or in honor of a student. We are here to help you establish an endowment or annual fund or you may donate to any of the following funds:

2022.23 Impacts...Thank You!

  • 21 Innovative Ed, Literacy & Music Grants

    Totaling $50,119

  • 135 Scholarships Funded

    Totaling $132,598

  • 3,500+ Students Receiving Critical Needs Help

    Totaling $162,512

  • Special Projects & Donor Designated Funds

    Funds Raised $157,195

Thank you to our Adopt-A-School Partners!

© 2025 Fargo Public Schools Development Foundation

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