The Adopt-A-School program matches individual schools with area businesses, services clubs, colleges, universities, and other organizations. These partnerships bring business employees and community members into schools to assist with reading programs, tutoring, career awareness, special events, mentoring, extra-curricular clubs, community service projects, field trips and other activities.
The Adopt-A-School program is a "win-win" situation for everyone. The focus of the program is not on financial support from the business and community partners, but rather to tap into the wealth of expertise and willingness to help. Advantages of the program include:
- students benefiting from the time and expertise of other caring adults
- teachers and other school staff appreciate additional helping hands
- the employees/volunteers enjoy being engaged in meaningful contact with students
- business employers view the program as another way to show community support and provide their employees with personal and professional growth opportunities
For more information, contact Fargo Public Schools Foundation, 700 7th Street South., Fargo, ND 58103,
701-446-1041, fpsfound@fargo.k12.nd.us